Saturday, February 27, 2010


new babies!


DIY simple nail art

bedazzelled and the little black man

and the most important thing, mid test on Wednesday

and lastly, an inspiring quote from a friend to think about
"We are more often frightened than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination than from reality."

will catch up with you soon enough girls, xoxo


Leah said...

Love the first shoes and those socks are pretty. Happy weekend! xoxo

Brenda Evans said...

agree with leah:)

A N A S T A S Y A said...

congratz for such gorgeous babies!!

devishanty said...

cutie babies :)

Veren Lee said...

shoessnya bagusssss. :D
buat aku yak? ;P

han said...

gila ci, the first one is supa fierce
where'd ya buy it? i want one

Unknown said...

i love the first shoes!!hhhhaaaa

Susan Angelia said...

I love the shoes :]
jadi mau decorate hp..hahaha

Gricia (Cia) said...

loves d giraffe..cute!!

Stephani Janet said...

gorgeous shoes with the lace socks! cool!

stylefrontier said...

woo love the first one but the blue one is unique as well


Anonymous said...

feb,, lucu sepatu yang pertama :)

Prisca Jolanda said...

hello febri. masi inget gue? hihi. sepatunya bagussss abissss

nonayck said...

i love both shoes!

Owen said...

i really love the first shoesss, sweet <3

Nora said...

the first shoes is to die for! nice one. =))
good luck on your test feb!

Hippiegonemad said...

love love love the first shoes!

michelle_ said...

the first shoes are uber gorgeous !
beli dimana feb ? hehehe..

kangenn !
thanks for the comments !
visit - follow - comment me

Unknown said...

i love your new babies and i really am missing you this much!! :( how's school? everything's okay? u seem quite busy.. i am busy tho.. hihihii


Vera Liane Rea said...

OMgosh love your shoess! :) adorable lace detail on the first one :)

Alviana Kalin said...

wahhh itu lucu amat sepatu2nya! beli dimana say? hehe. btw, merinding deh liad buku kedokteran luh. hahahhaahahhaha..

btw, miss you feb!! :D

INBERT StreetStyle said...

Bukunyaaa Langman, punyaku udah gak kepake tuh feb hehehee.. Tp klo utk Embriology emang Langman is the Best deh hehheee..
Long time no greet yah...

Nana MoonDancer said...

love those heels<3

febrina utami putri said...

sepatunya beli di itc mangdu, di lt 5. hahah gw seneng bgt bs nemu itu sepatu xD

Merlyn Macella Widjaja said...

thx for giving comment on my blog too =D
love your skirt ..
where did you buy it?
haha yiya di the cafe..
nice too meet you yaa =)
pake slr ya? boleh tau gk brand sm tipenya.