Saturday, February 20, 2010

campus outfit



piping said...

wah gilak ke kampus cantik bgt lo! whahahah, gua ga pernah serapih ini, uhuhuhuhuh

Riati Cornelia said...

awww so cute !!! coba gw ama piping ke kampus ky lo gitu, bisa diliatin n jd bahan omongan x. duh my campus tuh krik krik krik. pake apa dikit diliatinnya pe ky gmn. ckck.
aduhhhh tas sejuta umat kita !!! wkwkwk.

Unknown said...

you're so pretty, nice outfit! :)

anw, i just changed my blog's name, re-link me if you don't mind :)

Beauty Splashes ♥

I V Y said...

love it! cute as dress!

mirramie said...

febri you look so cute..
i want ur bag..

Stephani Janet said...

cute dress!
u look pretty :)

putri soe said...

I love your outfit! It's cute and sassy :)
You make me wanna be a college student even more! Still quite a long way though.. Haha

Nora said...

so cutee and vintage. love the polkadot dress. =))

Anonymous said...

eleuheleuh cakep bener u kekampusnya. hueahaha.

t a l i s h a said...

awww, the bow looks so cute on u.. and it somehow matches the color of the dress.. eh scarf dr gw =p =p

kalo k kampus gelangnya gag ditumpuk yah feb? hehehe simply chic jdinya :)


Fika said...

cute cute cute!! you look soo pretty feb!!

jarang2 kayaknya liat loe feminin bgini,biasanya kan sporty bgt..

cantiiik..cocok deeh jd dokter..hehehe


amazing !

devishanty said...

love it!

Jen Hsieh said...

i love this outfit so much, you have no idea! :) i love a simple polka-dotted dress with a nice belt. you look absolutely lovely.

Anonymous said...

you look sweet :)
where did you buy your bag?nice one teehee

febrina utami putri said...

i bought it from my collage friend xD

Anonymous said... look cute as always and ,gw suka bgt sama sepatu lo :)) kerennn!!

Anonymous said...

ahuahaha, itu nci gw yg potoin feb. iya seinget gw extended flash nya pake 2. 1 di kamera, 1 dipegang gitu. hhe. uda agak lama sih potonya. hehe.

Stella Winata said...

pretty vintage polkadot dress! i've been looking for a dress like this for quite sometimes but till haven't found perfect one feb.

u-ung said...

gilaaaa..byk banget bangle n kalungnya feb!!!suka statement rings'nya...keren2!!

KRISTY said...

i really love this outfit. it's a classic feminine look, you cant go wrong with this :) love how you added the silk scarf to the briefcase to make it look more feminine :) gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice bagg sistt ;D if i may know, beli dimanaa yah sist? suka suka suka, hehehe.... :D

febrina utami putri said...

beli sama temen sih. kykna di mr freddy jg ada deh. tau ga mr freddy?