photo courtesy of bgirl magazine and michelle koesnadi
left to right : rafika (sweet escape) , michelle koesnadi (glisters and blisters), yudia ayu (black ecstacy), dina fatimah ( stylish), talisha quinta (ribbony boo), nabila (captain sparkles)
that's a huge crowd of fashionable people!!
love it! congratz on being featured at the magz
hahaha~ hey say
lu sambung rambut yah?
lu ikud kan blooger meet up?
yudia aiiu
cute pictures!
ps. I would love it if you had time to check out my newest blog,
curang curang curang!!
hahaha :D maw jugaaaa huu..
i love your style and you ar so cute :)
now im be followers
love ittt!
uber fashionable :))
aloo, i've following ur blog & also ur twit, ci. :)
mind to follow me back? hehe
pebriii sayanggg!! uda ku link blog mu! wahahah! kapan2 main bareng lagi yah kita! muach muach
ur gladi keren :)
i'm han from the meet-up on friday
hit me back
i'm linking you.
yofany :)
yeay you found me! :P okay im linking u back, nice to see you!
and congrats for the bgirl :)
wow ! that sounds so great !
oyaa i've followed and linked u .
would u do the same thing ? yes yes ? :)
thank youuu :))
btw, it's sad we can't talk a lot at the meet-up, but you look great darling!!
btw, I've linked you ya..
yeay.. i found urs too feb
hihi. lo juga ya td rambutnya panjang, u look edgy too,hehehe..
gue follow and linked ya feb,hehe
Ketemuuu juga blog loe!! Hehe. Say, udh ku add msn lu yah. :) kpn2 maen2 bareng lagi yahh hihi..
Btw,congrats on the featured dear. G suka bgt sm senyum lu! Cantikk :D
so cute! (:
ooooooooooo gw jg inget eloo...hahha
tp makin pangling gara2 potong rmbt.
really nice to meet u too,dear :)
wow,,i likee ur style..
so wearable and super cute..
hehehe, you're welcome, birthday girl. :)
yoiii we should! ;)
eh gila yah ternyata lu org bangka juga!! hahaha. g ma ping2 jg org bangka wakakaka.. rmh loe di bangka mananya? g mah udh lama bgt ga kesana. si ping2 yg baru2 ini kesana hehe. Tp maap2 nhi ye g ga bisa ngom bangka *blush hahaha..
Btw sumpah klo dia tau dibilang ganteng bisa geer dia wakaka.
makasih juga atas pujiannya, aww jadi malu akyuu.. >.<
iyaaa cuma gw sering pulang wee emank elu hahah. di kampus gw jg banyak loh org bangka, haha senang deh gw bangga jd org bangka abis pantainya bgs dan makanannya enak2 gila gila gila. trs dokter2nya jg bnyk yg bangka lohhh. wuaaa jangan2 papa mama kita kenal2 lg soalny org bangka biasanya kenal2 kyk itu delon omnya ternyata dulu temen sekolah bkp gw, bkpnya sandra dewi jg temen skulnya om gw haha. di pangkal pinang gw. lu dimana? taon lalu gw jg ga pulang gr2 ujian jd udah 2 taon blm pulang. hhuhu. sttt jgn blg2 tp malu gw kenal jg kaga hahahha
duh vi gw bingung mau bales dimana, di blog gw ato di elu punya, dua duanya aja deh lama2 hahaha
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