this event is gonna be published in B'girl magazine March edition. thanks to Kak Dina, yeyy i'll be featured in Bgirl magazine for the second time, two months in a row!
i couldn't wait for the next blogger meet up, i'll make sure i could join this soon-to-be-the-hippest-event in Jakarta. thanks to Michelle and Talisha!
lunch @ Pizza e'Birra, Plaza Indonesia
this one bellow is actually an accidental effect from Michelle's camera, but it turns out great!!
dinner @ Koiki, Plaza Indonesia
recent love : RINGS!
i always think my fingers look weird with rings on it, but later on i found out with the perfect ring, it's actually kinda cool!!
talisha and her new lens
names and informations are bellow each photo.
left photo : Michelle Hendra - miss chelle . ME
right photo : Michelle Hendra . Michelle Koesnadi - glisters and blisters
left photo : ME . Veren Lee - a little princess . Riati Cornelia - zipper pepper
right photo : Riati . ME . Nathania Verina - brainless me
left photo : Nora Tagore - fashion fantasy land . ME
right photo : Alviana Kalin - AlvianaKalin . ME
left photo : Nora . Alviana . ME
right photo : Han - tatoo freak . Yofany - huelicious . ME
left photo : Gricia - mistorymilife . ME
right photo : ME. Nathania
left photo : Riati . Yudia Ayu - black ecstacy
right photo : Nabila - captain sparkle
left photo : Michelle Hendra . Michelle Koesnadi
right photo : ME . Lalita - lalita
left photo : Odelia Namiera - hide and seek . Riati . Talisha - ribonny boo
right photo : Tysha Lukman - tysha lukman's mannequin. ME
left photo : ME . Kak Dina - stylish
right photo : ME . Lokita Mardanti - ringa dinga boing boing
there's me! HAHAHAH -lol xPP
anywayy. nice post!XD
wahahah jadi kangen ketemu pebri lagi! wkwkw
seems like a lot of fun :) tempatnya cozy banget.
nice blazer you have XD
vb.. ahhhhh fotonya bgs tuh yg gw, miskus, n mindra bareng2.. kyakyaaa thnks for these lovely pics iah.. gw blm sempet ngepost ttg ini nih.. heheheh who knows this event's gonna be big in the future! heheheh :)
you guys look like you're having so much fun! too bad i couldn't be there. maybe next time, so i could meet you guys in person :)
yofany : of course your photo's gonna end up here at my blog hahaha. thanks cantik!!
piping : ah ogah ketemu lu lagi bias mules2 gw ahahah
carrisa : iya emank cozy bgt!! tp gw lebih suka tempatnya pizza e'birra sih ga tau kenapa, lbh terang gt hahaha
shanen : thanks!! it's actually a leather jacket
talisha : ayo ayooo dipost, we're waiting for your post tal!! iya i love that one too, kyk candid2 gt tp mindra sadar kamera jd ga candid deh hahaha. sure it's gonna be big event!! liat aja nanti! and you and miskus are the person behind it!! wawwwww
putri : yes yes yeshh!!! you should! you're very welcome to join!!
nice your photos,what camera are you using? thanks
nice photos :)
looks like a lot of fun :D haha
all girls looking amazing
love the photos, you guys really had an amazing time. :)
i absolutely love your jacket. :) you look adorable :)
(added you to my blogroll dear)
oh and a belated happy birthday sweetie! :)
sai sai : thanks! i'm using dslr canon 500d
brenda : yes yes we sure did
weet things : they are adorable!!
velire : oh thanks so much! i'll check your blog out after i'm done with my assignment okay??
Errrrgh too bad i couldn't join the meet up ci huhu. Maybe next time we can do another meet up. Really curious to meet you :))
anyways love your jacket!!
yesss you're welcome to join next meet up of course!! thankies dear!!
eh jangan gilak yah eluuu!! tinggi aja ga setinggi dia yee! lu jgn kayak org kebanyakan ntn tipi deh.
wakakakakaka!! eh lu sihawul juga yeee! emang muka gua ky pispot???
eh aslinya dy pendek cuiii ga setinggi itu. tipi menipu hahah. ahahah dodol luuu eh bls wall gw cepet. gila nih bsk gw ujian loh drtd udah 3x gw bolak2 depan labtop malah buka2 blog hahaha
eh si mar temen lu yak? si jessica pete itu? wahahaah! kenal dr blog juga dodod!
thanks...I'll add you to my link...
nyaaaahh ga ada gw =_=
nice meeting youuu beibeehhhhhh.. i uber love ur shirtt and jacketttt :D
btw, you looked so pretty and gorgeous! :D humble smile and i super loving your hair.. :DDD unique sekalihhhh.. hihi..
well, well well.. foto2muuu bagus.. hahaha..
aduuuu.. ntar bisa lama lagi baru ketemu.. :( sedihnya..
see you tomorrow love
hwaaaaaa...sebeeel iih ga bisa ikutan meet up :((...fotonya bagus2 feb!! kamunya cantiik feb..oke deh!! ;)
ayooo donk kita ktmuan pas aku libuur..hahahaha..
anatasya : iya lu udah pulang sihh huhuhu
michelle : makasihhhh. lu juga rocking that mini dress!! nanti bakal seru nih, pdhl gw jumat ujian loh matilah jd apa nilai gw hahaha. iya ntar pas lu pada pulang indo lg, kita kumpul2 lg yahhh
fika : iyaaa abisnya kamu kerja sihh udah beda levelnya, hahaha udah kerja uhuiuhui. dimana sih kerjanya? panggilnya fika aja ato ci ato kak ato apa nihh? bingung deh saya. yuk yuk harus sering2 ketemuan nih jd akrab dpt temen2 baru senangnyaa
ah nice pictures feb! keren banget! must be a lot of fun there. ah too bad I can't join. errrrrrr. maybe next time I could meet you. haha.
and I got a crush on your leather jacket!! awesomeness! it's just beyond words :D
thanks so much for that lovely comment on my blog...keep in touch!
btw love also your outfit here!
you guys had really a good time during your meet up!:))
Hey.. love your brown leather jacket! and those rings are super cool. =D
Thanks for the link, i've linked your blog too. It's such a nice blog... ^^
btw anak kedokteran atma yaa?
ahhh akhirnya di post juga hihi. g belom post ttg ini nhi absnya segan hrs ngambil foto dr foto2 org hahaha.. g post dikit aja deh nti. ga sabar pingin jalan sama kamu lagi sayangggggg!
talita : yeaa too bad you can't join us! you should next time! oh ohhh thankyouu!! i love it too, but my back gets all wet when i'm wearing it, it's just so thick and no ventitation. but i know you have to suffer to look good hahaha
sai sai: hihih you're welcome. jadi beli kamera apa?
yessica : iyaa koq tau? lu anak mana nihh?
alviana kalin : lohhh ambil aja lagi vi foto2nya dr fb gw pada ambil jg koq gpp emank buat dibagi2 itu fotonyaa. ayo cepet ngepost!! hahahah
iyaaa.. liat di postingannya. hehehe. temen2 gw byk yg di situ juga, tapi udah pd tua nieh,, angkatan 06. hehe. gw anak ui, tapi baru lulus, jd pengangguran dhe. hehe. =D
aww, too bad I couldn't attend the 2nd meet up :( i wanna meet u feb, u sound like a fun person! hahaha :D
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