this is the fabulous presents!
the left one is no brand new, i bought it like 2 weeks ago at forever21, but all of this necklaces match so well!
as i said before, i'm currently really into rings!!
i did something to my accesories display box this morning. and this is the result. i love it so much since it looks like a shop! lol
this are my precious!
gonna post yesterday's photos soon enough!
jealousy! :))
you have such a cool collection of jewelries & accessories & stuffs!
gila tu aksesoris anjrett keren abis! banyak amat aksesoris lu feb. hahahaha
iee soalnya nci gw potograper. jadi ya gitu lah. '-_-' hhe
wow gilaaaaaaaaaaa!! banyak abis! keren2 pula! SUPAHHH DUPAHHH NGIRIIII!!! ARRRRRGHHH! bagi2 dong pebbbbbbb!!! :PP
one word = ENVY...
febbbbb gilaaa gw mau dongggg..
kasiih ke gw satu dong.hehe :P
wow, nice accesories
you have many ring, where do you buy it? i find in many shop, but i'm not find my style there hehehhe
LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL THE ACCESORIES FEB! super fabulous, esp. the rings. i'm pretty much into rings now as well! can't take my eyes off those pretty rings and i really love how you arrange your stuff <3
btw, what i was wearing in the blog is actually a shorts, not skirt. i just fix it and i'm ultra sorry for the typo! :))
wowwww i super duper envy your accessories display! <3 totally cool! do visit my blog, thanks :)
waa.. envy you so much >.<
btw, I've linked you already dear. mind to exchange link?
Beauty Splashes♥
i'm so jealous!!!
u are sooo lucky!u have so many accessories collection wow! hehe
btw, happy belated birthday!!! :D
Aduuuh koleksinya mantep bngt, feb! hehehe... cincinnya oke2. saya jg lagi suka cin2.. =D
btw si lovi itu dokter gigi.. hahaha, iya pake praktek juga.
aksesoris nya banyak banget! bagus bagus pula!
two thumbs up deh!
accesories display nya itu kaya rak pajangan gitu ya?
feb feb, jangan bilang km satu smp sama sonia sugandy?
*drooling over your collections* hahaha super deh! bagus2 smua! btw, happy belated bday :)
happy birthday :) awwhh i love all your birthday presents and all those collections!
I love your accessories especially the rings...I have also collections of my accessories,show it on my blog if I have time...
-sai sai
1 words feb: envy!huhhu
irii!! bagus bagus deh asesorisnya! iririririririririi.hahaha.xp
ihhh banyak banget, jadi mau ngumpulin kalung deh :) keren ka :D
iri aku :)
kk, aku link kk :) dan follow. link adn follow back ya kk cantik :)
itu lemari nya di pakein paku yah feb ?? lucu dh :D
ohh i have the same chainlink necklace as yours !! kembaran yokkss..
smua kalung item gampang matching :D
kereen bangeet :))
oh my god. you've got plenty of accessories! and i do love the necklaces. where did you get that ?w ell if you don't mind sharing :)
love ur rings and necklace beb! sini maenn ke rumahh kuu!! hua gx ajak" neh ultah ;(
gilaaaaaaaa !! itu cincin gelang kalung kurang byk lg feb !! sirik sirik sirik >.<
gw suka bgt ama cincin2 lu. kl dijual2 boleh tuh. ahahaha.
duh gw mah boro2 pake gituan, kynya anak kampus gw kl pake heels tinggi dikit aja diliatinnya pe gmn gitu. zzzzz.
ayo kpn2 kita huntung cincin :D
Wow your jewelry is so amazing! I love all of the rings
adore ur collection .. super duper cool !!!
i want your chain necklace! have been looking for this since ages. =))
you do have tons of cool accessories. ENVY!! =))
beneran kayak toko tuch..haha.. aku liat alamat blog kamu dr b'girl gaya qm lucu bngt..trus penasar, aku buka dech, dan waw seperti perkiraan blog qm keren.. jd pengen ngurusin blog aku biar keren kyk qm... lam kenal yaw..
aw aw... feb, ringnya bagus"! I like the one with the stone. so vintage ;)
btw, kuliah kedokteran berat ga sih feb? udah mao UAN, tapi blom tau mo kuliah apaan nih. parah. hahaha
wow! i am so jealous! what a great bling collection!
amboiiii asiiik abis feeeb punya aksesoris segitu banyaaaakkkkk. hahaha
febbbb......rrrrrgghh envy youuu.
the round ring with the words in it is uber COOL!!!
:D :D
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