Sponsorship and Advertisement

This blog is opened for sponsors or any advertisement related to fashion or not. Here below are some options I can offer you. If you have any further question, please do email me on febrinautamiputri@yahoo.com

1.       Sponsored Item(s) to be worn and promoted
The item(s) could be anything related to fashion (clothes, beauty stuffs and products, etc) or gadgets. Sponsors could choose the item(s) themself or I could pick one myself. The item(s) will be worn and posted on this blog where I will link the URL addresses in the outfit details information. The product(s) will not be returned to the sponsors. 

2.    Sponsoring giveaways
The giveaways can be world wide or nationally, the shipping cost(s) will be charged on you.

3.       Sidebar and Main Body Ads
There are few size options available, the price will vary depends on how long you want it to be advertised. Please do contact me via emails for the sizes and prices.

4.       Corporation with my line, COTTONCANDY
Click here for an example. Email me for more information.

5.       Other
Contact me via email for any other type of sponsorships agreement.

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