Friday, February 12, 2010


SUMIRE @ Grand Hyatt Hotel



piping said...

ini belom potong rambut yah peb? lucuuu lo disini :) wkwkw. ampunn peb jangan di aduin dong, tar di potong mamak gua, wkwkwk!

Anonymous said...

ahhh im drooling. ada recommend ga makanan apa yang enak disono? mau coba nih. hahaa. :D
btw itu rambut u pas masi panjang ci? bagus lohh rmbt u. hehe.

j3nhow said...

great blog and the food looks delicious... making me hungry actually!!!!

xoxo jenna

A N A S T A S Y A said...

jaah rambut lw masi panjang disini looked pretty..but in my humble opinion I love your shorter haircut :D...

btw recommendednya apa feb?

Leah said...

Those pics made me hungry. :-)

Love your beanie and your white blazer. You are so cute.

PS... I'm following you now. xoxo

Nana MoonDancer said...

love the shoes and the white fluffy hat!

Nabila said...

i love your shoes in the first picture.

Nabila xo

Unknown said...

the foods look yummazing! you are gorgeous dear, as always!


nonayck said...

aku suka black flatshoes nyaa! hahaha :))
i love ur blog and im following you yaaa XDD

Anonymous said...

cute smile :))

Jessica said...

febbb itu hairclip...?? hahahaha...
pendek keren kok febbbb.. ~~ :D
rambut gw ud gondrong nih. wkwwk
itu si makanan asik banged loh gw ngakak sama 1 anak yg cengok liatin koki nya masak .wkwkwk

febrina utami putri said...

monica : koq setiap gw mau buka profile lu katanya unavailable yah? emank ga ada yah? iya itu wig, hihihi. keliatannya yah?

Hippiegonemad said...

aaa food porn ngiler liatnya feb! btw my besties ada yg namanya sumire her mom kaya ngidam makan sumire terus ampe d namain sumire ahaha

Nina said...

This post made me soooo hungry?!

You look amazing!

Anonymous said...

rambut kmu aslinya pendek atau lurus ya,agak bingung :)
im already link you

Nora said...

mau dong salmonnya. huhuhu.. enakk!
btw, i love your hat and shoes. =))

Anonymous said...

ahhaha, okok. tapi kayak asli loh feb. hwahaha. ntar deh gw coba yeee, ngiler abees gw. hahaa.

Hanae said...

you look so gorgeous and lovely pictures!!!

febrina utami putri said...

ohh monic yg pernah komen di fb yah sori2 ga tau. iya ini yg rmbt gw cuma poni doank ini di sirkam gt atas sama bwhnya trs pke bando bwt tutupin smbungannya. tdnya jg gw ngerasa aneh pake2 wig tp bgs jg jd biasa aja lama2 hahahaha. makanya that's the beauty of being a girl!

Anonymous said...

hahaha asik bgt,jd pengen punya rambut kaya lo :) wignya bagus ga keliatan klo itu wig..

febrina utami putri said...

hahaha thx yahh. enakan rmbt asli drpd wig lahh, bgusan rmbt lu bener deh hehehe

Stephani Janet said...

aww. the food looks yummy! and I love ur shoess .!

thanks for linking me, I'm linking usr back :)


thanks darling for the earlier comment on my blog :)

you've your own lovely style as well :)


Gladys said...

great photos and the food looks delicious!
everyone looks so cute and i really want that white beanie! :D

- t h a m i a - said...

nice hair and style! your sist has a great style too! ;) link dong, ive linked yours :)

febrina utami putri said...

aslinya ga sebagus di foto lohh jgn tertipu hahah. di mangdu bnyk koqq murah lg mon haha. iya kuat koq kan kyk disangkutin gt. iya sepanjang itu makanyaaa pnjg bgt kan hahahah