Saturday, February 21, 2009

shoes is my baby

From all fashion apparel have ever created, my all-time-favorite is shoes. Definitely shoes. I keep all my shoes clean, shiny and organized at the corner of my room. I even stick some labels on each shoe box, to recognize it quickly without bother to look inside the box. I love unique and one -of-a- kind thing, especially shoes. It doesn’t have to expensive or anything, but it must be unique.

I could order more than 2 shoes every month at an online shop called KBOX STORE ( I prefer custom made rather than the ready one.

And woohoooo, yesterday my shoes finally have arrived. This is the pic of my new cool shoes:

my favorite shoes of the month


Anonymous said...

ehmm bikin disitu bagus ga? tahan lama ga? pengen coba bikin juga.. hehe

febrina utami putri said...

bgs c menurut g yah, soalnya bs bikin yg unik2, ini yg creme kn designnya dr g. nah plg mslhnya ukurannya. prtama x beli, g kekecilan. tp abs itu, g jd tw sizenya yg cck tuh kyk ap, nah ud ga prnh salah size lg dh abis itu. bgs kq kualitasnya, dan ga semahal online shop yg lain, hehehe

Fenny Wong said...

wahhh.. bisa bikin ankle boots juga ya. Pengennn!
But then again, my feet are enormously large and weird-shaped, i've always thought that i won't be able to buy shoes online!

febrina utami putri said...

emank prtma klo bli mgkn b slh2 ukuran, tp jstru klo bli online bs request mw bntuknya kyk ap. hehe. coba pesen aj, bgs loh jdnya

Anonymous said...

wow....keren sepatunya..dua2nya keren....
berapaan tuh jeng

febrina utami putri said...

yg coklat tua cm 120rb. yg 1 lg yg creme, itu 170 klo ga slh. di kbox bikinnya, hehe