I don't look
but deep inside in the corner of my mind
I'm attatched to you
I'm weak
it's true
cause I'm afraid to know the answer
do you want me too?
cause my heart keeps falling faster
you don't know
what you do
everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move
I'm weak
it's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
do you see me too?
do you even know you meant me!
true - ryan cabrera

Your lil' sister is totally cute! Lucu banget loh feb haha. Anyways about my newhaircut, iya sayang tapi gue pengen coba rambut baru, bosen panjangn mulu. Sama kayak elu lah hehe~
your sister is so cute...
like her outfit...
ahh your uber cute little sister is so good in fashion too!
she got the skill from you huh?
thanks for your comment! :)
ih lucu banget sih. imut deh.
i love her outfit :)
Your sister is so cute and she is so fabulous even at a young age. xoxo
ur sis really adorable! asik ya pnya adik ce bs di dandanin :D. gpp kok ci. we can meet next time! :]
she is sooo cutee!! :D
very cute pics
beautiful outfit
i like the words you wrote
cute ssiter
her outfit is also cute
bnice post
omg! really cutee!
adore your sister ;)
xoxo, bee ♥
i've linked you :) thanks a lot!
btw, cici cicinya natalie ya? hehe
Castor Pollux
cute bangeet :) sister yah?
your sister is totally cute.. :))
maybe she should have her own blog.. haha.. :))
come and visit
feel free to give any comments and follow me if you like me!
awwwww cantiiikk bangett!!
omg.. bikinin dy fashion blog dong kyk si evita hehehe.. duh gag kbyg gdenya gmn cute abiss :)
Feb i'm just wondering, ade lu kalo beli baju dimana deh? Lucu2 juga loh haha ada size buat gue ga ya?
Anyways, sebenernya gue pengen potong spendek ade lu gini, tapi ga berani haha
ya ampun dd kmu lucu bgt yaa.sama kaya lo nya.hehehe :)
dia lucu banggettt sih !
i love the fur vest soo much !
michelle || glisters and blisters
she's looks so cute :)
heart ya ♥
wao what a fine picture. thanks for sharing with us.
gilaaa totally uber cuteee!!! kecil2 tpi stylish! uber coool! :DDD LIKE :D
Aaaw, she's so cute. I love her dress and shoes :)
SUPER DUPER CUTEEE!! awww, jadi pengen dd :PP cantikkks banget sih!
brainless me.
ur sis is so cutee. like her dress:)
brenda @ shoesandmuffins.blogspot.com
adeknya lagi,,,
salam ya sama dia,,,
kelas berapa si???
Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed
You should be my stylist too, sunshine :))
punya si ci noraa! hihih, lomo diana itu lho, dia ada foto gua, jadi satu lembar, tar gua kasih liat deh, wkwkw! pebbb! kangennn!
haha love the little Feb!
eh ada dd lagi toh kamu? baru taw! cantik deh imut"..
itu kamu yang dandanin apa pake senidiriii lucuuuuu :)
so stylish ! <3
yudia aiiu
ya ampun feeeeb.... dd lu kayak abis didandanin ama Herr Lagerfeld. cute + chanel abis deh dede lu!
gemes jadinya.
SO CUTE! Love the vest <3
Your sis is uber cute! i love the fur vest! hahhaa.. kalian bertiga mmg stylish! =))
ya ampun lucu bangetttttttttttt
Love that pretty dress!! she is ADORABLE
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