this photo session was taken at the new cluster of Permata Buana, where my new home is being built. this wonderful place is actually right in front of my house. not to mention the cluster gate next to it, i really can't wait to move in! hopefully soon enough i'll have plenty of new backgrounds for fashion photoshoot. i know you guys bored already with my current background, which is always takes place in front of my accesories display rack.
we're heading to Grand Indonesia to celebrate Nathalie's birthday with her friends. i also bought her any accesories she wanted for her birthday present, that's why i'm kinda broke now , lol. and the best purchase of the day is my long lost aviator glasses. i've been missing it like hell since i lost it months ago. i really don't have any idea where i lost it, it's just gone. it was actually my driving glasses, and since my new car is coming in a few weeks, i need it back so badly. so i bought the new one, although it's not really identical with the previous one.
this crazy red lips, no no i'm not that confident to wear it on the whole day. soon after this photoshoot i wiped it off, that really was a hard thing to do. the red stain stayed for hours even after lunch.
my narsistic sister ( hihi don't be mad my dear sister *winkwink )
Nathalie Kartika Putri, who is 14 y.o just now
and Anita was in town!! so we decided to have a quick chit chat at Social House. too bad Diana was late, and i was in a hurry so we just met for like 5 minutes.
we all love this mocktail Begonia!!
look at Anita, she's so model-ish and pretty!
not to mention her super long and curly eyelashes!! i want one pleaseeeee. at first i thought it was fake, but the truth is it's all natural! i'm real envy, lol.
from left to right :
han - bella - lalita - nathalie - diana - anita - iling
love your red lip!!!...great photos... :DD
visit mine??
love your jacket feb..and btw, ahh seru sepertinya time aku ikut yaaa...
red lip mantep huahaha :D
wihh uda di post cepet bgt hahaha
keren peb poto gw yg lagi motret thx yee :D
so elegant!
looked like you really had fun
lovely outfits<3
uahhhh. mauuuu.
huhhuhuhuu pada pulang jam brp?
ahh too bad i can't join u guys, totally envy..
btw i love ur jacket
check my newest post,
nahhh gitu dong foto outdoor !! bagus banget feb foto nya !! hehehe.. now uere not the only one excited to move into ur new house, gw jd excited jg dh..haha..
pasti banyak foto yg lebih asik :)
btw permata cluster daerah mana tuh ? kek nya masi "ijo" banget yah..haha
btw lu ke gi kmrn sabtu ? gw jg di gi pas hari itu cuy ! tp kmrn ada acara tmen ultahh.. huaa, kl tau kau ke gi, saya seharus nya mampir soho sbentar aja :)
i love that shot with anita' lashes ! memang cantik bgt ! macro lu lumayan jg yah.. kek nya gw mao ngambil macro sgitu dket nga perna sukses..haha.. dl pake canon kcil malah lbh gampangg..
ohh and thx for the WB tips :) next time saya cb yah :)
miss u febbb ! sorry for the super long comment..haha..
love the red lip :) seems you guys had a really fun day :)
dont forget to check my new post yaa
hello kak
you look soo preety , as usual :]
heart ya ♥
kemaren pengen ikutan padahal.. cuman gara2 udah janji sama orang buat ke Girlfriend Fashion Academy jd gak jadi dehh.. Huhu.. :(
Kapan2 klo bikin meet up lagi kasih tau yaaa.. pengen ikutan.. :))
Great Photos btw.. :))
cpt amat your accesoriess..always!hhhaa
du u jg bs pk dobel2 feb u ga gemuk kokk.hhhaa
i like ur hot-red lip color.hehe:)
iya asemka gloddok,,modelnya kayak pasar pagi mangga dua gt..tanpa ac..hehehehe..silakan langsung aja hunting aksesoris kesana
so wanna follow each other and x-link??
kaka adek postny cpet ya
red lipny gokil :D
oxox, djhanq
tattoo freak do a quick meet up again??really envy youu all..hahaha
ktmuaan yuuuk!! hahaha *gaya bener ngajak2 pdhl waktunya aja blm tentu kosong :(*...asli deeh,,kangen meet up rame2!! hehe
P.S. harusnya kamu ttp pake 'red lips'-nya seharian..kereen feb!! hehe
Love love love the polka dots dress!!:)
love all the accessories you wear... they're so cutee...
visit my blog please....
Feb... cantik dhe pake red lipstick! hehehe.. iya lo bagusan ada poni.. itu rumah baru loe di mana sih? baru denger nama kompleksnya.. tapi bagus bngt dhe,,, langitnya biru n byk rerumputan hijau! hahaha..
btw loe juga masih terlihat tampang mudaaa kaliii (umurnya jg masih muda).. hahahaha. actually rambut gw tuh kalo diliat aslinya bnr2 berantakan.. haha.. kapan2 ketemuan yuk! =)
LOVE your jewelry! And those red lips. You look GORGEOUS.
Your outfit is beautiful and i love the flower ring!
You are absolutely Adorable! :)
love the red feb (: lo pindahan? haha aseek dng?? terus enak deh bisa ngumpul ma yang laenn.. hahaha it looks like fun.. pengenn ;)
gw skolah di berrien springs high. sebenernya si nama tengah gw miechelle, terus tmen2 deket gw manggilnya chelle tapi terserah si, gw punya banyak nick name hahaa..
iy banget, apalagi anak2 sini gosipnya anjrit dah hahaha ud lah..
haha iya gapapa yang penting gada yang bilang gw kea nenek2 dah (:
keanya indo ud banyak berubah yaa.. ga sabar pengen balikk. hehehe..
febrii,,jadi kangen mau ktmu lagi..makasi ya buat waktunya :) kamu harusnya pake red lip aja gpp jadi sexy ntr pas nyium gw kan lbh oke tuh.hahaha..trus harusnya lu juga foto model rambut lu tuh bagus tau,gw suka pengen deh ..
love you febri.xoxo
oh ya feb.. itu pronounce nya "Bi-bli-o-tek" hehehe..
and the lense i ws talking about itu prime lense.. jd nga bs zoom gtu.. kl soal fixed focus point gw krg ngerti dh.hahaha.. pokqnya background nya bs blur aja bgs.. lu cb liat itu hasil foto2nya kek gtu kira2.hehe
enjoy your upcoming week !
glisters and blisters
adorable :) all of it!
febi sayangg! cantik kamu ! :)
as always accessories kamu the best <3
love this postt :))
have a great weekend <3
yudia aiiu
wuiiihhh, kerenn potonya !!
dari tadi buka blognya natali, and anita tuhh isinya poto-poto kalian semuaaaaa!!! great !
jadi pengen !!! hihi
visit back dunkk febrii ... (:
cakep banget c febri!!
adeknyaaa juga! :P
Hi sist.. I'm Creamy..
Visit my blog :
Thanks a lot sista..
ia feb itu charles & keith pas gw liat kesana jg ada haha.jadi malu makenya haha,ohh enk kok heelsny gw kan pake dari jam 1 siang sampe 12 mlm boo.haha :p lu mau yg putihnya? gw tdny juga mau beli yang putih tp kt kk gw bagus yang coklat.
iy, kliatan tp ga jelas :( haha
love ur jacket & niceee photos
enak ada taman gituu ntar u~
You are so pretty in your outfit... and great to see fabulous ladies meeting up. I see a lot of familiar faces. Have a great week ahead! xoxo
Love the accessories on your left hand!!
really love the hot red lips. :p
Hahaha, iya feb.. tadinya juga mau pake clana pndk, tapi mau ke greja, gak enak ahhh.. xD
hahaha, klo 1 ato 2 taun lbh tua mah gak gitu ngepek.. *bhkan gw 3 taon lbh tua dr loe ya? T.T
wah rumah baru loe jauh bnerr... hahaha. gw di pulomas sih, deket gading situ. kapan2 kalo main2 ke gading, kasih tau ajaaa.. gw ampir tiap hari nih ke gading. hahahaha.
thank youuu hehe. badan kecil sih jd cocoknya yg dress2 pendek gitu :p
love your blog! :D
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