last weekend we all went to see 3 houses he designed and his talent is just beyond words.I really love his style,and my mom do too!I could see how mirror and wall ornament are very crucial and could really make a lot of differences indeed.I could see how wallpapers could really change the you know that pattern errr how do I explain,crap I don't know how to explain it.I'll try though.the one which looks like vintage doddles,commonly in black and white and sometimes people use it for chair's material.can you imagine it?do you even have any idea what I'm babbling about?I really don't know the name.that one is my all time favorite pattern for always looks good on the wall as wallpapers,on sofas,on bedcover, and on everywhere else!
I still don't have any idea what my room would turn into.I'm planning on making it my very own photo gallery, full of my favorite photographs I captured.and the most exiting part is, I got my dream come true! I'll have a fully furnished walk in closet plus a ceiling-high shoe rack! gee I'm extremely wanna fast forward the time! I only knew one thing, my future home would be amazing!
Okay, I'm so sorry for that long and boring paragraphs,please do excuse my a-little-too-much excitement,lol. This are some photos I took beside my still-in-process home,and some of them in front of the last house we paid a visit last weekend.okay okay I'm no longer talking,now please have some photos to enjoy!
this is my sister, check out her blog here
i love the acid washe dvest and layered jewelry!
Febbb.. I like your denim dress and jacket. Bagus bgt dhe.. Dress adik lo jg bgs. Duh kalian barang2nya bagus2, enak ya...
Btw, walk in closet ama tmpt taro spatunya tu kek ada ruangan sendiri buat taro baju2 loe ato gmna? Hahaha, duh gw jg pengen ni.. Tapi bingung desainnya gmna. Hehehe. Ur idea is cool. :)
great denim combination!
suka dressnyaaa!
febbb kamu cantik bgt sihhh...ih ih ih..
gemes liat senyum lu,gw suka deh denim denim yg lu pake keren..
yup pastinya gw berharap rumah baru lu lbh bagus ya feb :)
i love your jacket!
will you have your own walking closet???
and the shoe racks? ahhh ngiriiii. mauuu pengen juga nii jdnyaa.
cool :D
love the denim top~!
wow.. i envy u... it's awesome to think about the future house... ! :)
love your jeans jacket..
fotonya bagus..jernih bgt =))
feb i follow you ya =)
iikhhh , keren banget poto-potonya ! dipotoin photographer yaa ? uuh, baguss bangettt !!!
love ur denim dress !
blue ..... i like blue ! (:
wanna visit back?
I can't imagine how pretty your house will be!
yes I understand what you said about the fabric for the wallpaper! I also love those type of wallpapers. i love wallpaper so much!
I hope to renovate my house or at least my room! they are still so kiddy style :D
and hell yeaah! jeans is so In this season! you are just so chic in the jeans vest :)
+ENVY OF YOUR WALK IN CLOSET! (thinking of my super small closet in my sg room :()
Re: wha krg tau dh blogger ada sapa lg..yg gw tau sih gw ayu ama nora doang..hahhaa..iyaa heidy gw jg suka dgn rambut lurus :)
Kliatan chic bgtt..hehe..
Neh krg foto gw ud balik kcil bingungg jg mao gede/kcil..sbagian org blg gede lbh gw ndiri pun kl kegedean jd gw liat blog kek rumi fashion toast pada gede2 jg tuh..hehhe
And ..itu baju yg putih gw pake buat k pi ktemu tmen gw gtu..hehe..
Btw lu be2 lucu dh ..1 smua biru 1 smua peach-orange gtu :) kl foto beduan di samping each other ps baguss..sud try self timer wit d two of you feb :) :)
Wow! Lucu banget! Thanks ya sarannya ^^
Anyway, minimalis is so you! How you put minimalis and vintage together?
Oh iya, foto-foto rumah nya kalau sudah jadi ya, aku tunggu! :D
Denim kamu chic banget! Anyway, itu fotonya di kompleks daerah mana?
GUE NGIRI BGT SM LU FEB!! enak bgt nti kamar lu pasti tuh.. hiks2.
btw, itu dress si nat lucu bgt deh. trs denimjacket lu g suka jugaaa. ahh seru bgt sih lu berdua.. itu di depan rumah feb?
iya sma smua!itu buat baju panit tok.lucu designya.iya sma bella ud skelas,satu team,gila deh hauhua.ngmg2 itu bukan sims2 lagi sims3!lbih baru lgi!seruu loh!heheh:)
anw,i love ur denim outer!kereen:)
xxo kellyy
You and your sister are both so cute and so pretty. I'm excited for your new home too. xoxo
love the bluish look feb! anw good luck with the house designing!
pasti seru n asik bgt deh yaa itu hihihi..n i've followed ur twitter biar gampang kl mw ngbrl ;p
awesome denim combination. i'd love to the interior of the house!
hahahah nga lah feb nga sotoy kok itu :) since id wear that outfit to school anyway..
adu uda gendutan paha nya.. jd kl itu socks di naekin ke paha, paha gw lgsg kecentet..haha..
kangen !
Waaa.. Iya bgs amat klo jd daster. Mang beli di bali mananya? Hahaha.
Maksud loe, brg lo bagi dua ama adek lo ya? Hehehe. Iya, enak kan pnya sodara ce, bs tuker2 brg. Klo koko2 gw si mau tuker apa.. =.=
Mang lo ukurannya brapa feb? Ga tau ni, bole ganti lg ato gak. Hahah. Black n white keren.. Tp nykp gw ga sk, ktnya gelap item2. hehehe.
huauaha iya sih bisa jebol2 juga emg thesims makan memorrii sngat bnyaak. tapi lumayan kl lagi iseng dan bosen buat main hehehe
xoxo kelly.
feb gw tau ini blog comment tp gw bkl menyalahgunakan tmpt ini:
1. si jenni manggil ko regi "hanyiboomie" and mrk b2 tinggal d dunia sendiri yg dinamain "peachyland" sm jenni.
2. ko pieter udah diblacklist dr dunia peachyland.. gr2 ya gitu deh, bulu keteknya yg lebat terlalu bahaya.. sumpah ko pieter geli abis yahh, bulu keteknya udah kayak semak2 national forest..
ps: though i soudned a lot like im complaining, actually im sooo thankful to have them as my best friends hereee hehehe <3
btw mo nitip aksesoris apa gag? tnyain ade lo jg tuh si nat.. kyknya dy jg ud makin demen pke2 aksesoris numpuk2 gtt hehehe :D
eh tas ny mau dehh.lucu.beli di mana ?hehe.
wahh kyk ny nnt rumah kmu yg bru kyk dream home gtu dehh.semoga rumah ny cpet jadi dan hasil ny oke bgd ya (:
heyy kalo main" k tpb blg" dongg mari bermain bersamaaaa, hahahaha :p aihhh naksir sm denim acid jacket-nya LOL haha thanksss, gue super teralu kurus ini -___- pengen gendutin dkit sih haha :D eh btw itu yg fto d atas udh bgs rmbutny d gerai, knp yg bwh d kuncir? jd kliatan botak hahaha =P
xoxo, bee ♥
wah asik bg d ya pas pindahan, search new furnitures and then furnish the room .
btw lu potong rambut ya ?
Ngga, gw uda lulus SMA and mau lanjutin kuliah, SI. a little bit hard, g anak IPA yg mesti belajar akutansi buat SI
berarti lu keren abis ya uda ambil kedokteran ms sempet nge blog ? hahah :)
ayo2 di tonton glee..bgs2 suaranya feb hehe. Nanti lu mau pindah ke PIK yah say? cie cieee rumah baru nih yeh! kapan jadinya?
oohh, wooww, jadi yg potoin ntu antara kalian berdua doank yaa ?
natali and kamu ? tuker2an gituu?
hebat banget iikhh... !!! jernih!
kameranya apaa siihh?
canon ?
cantik.tik.tikk dehh!
aksesorisnya keren keren pulaaa!
LOVE dehh! :)
denim is just so cool.
well indonesia, yes. i don't have the guts either.
well did you do some hair cut or something.
last time i remember your hair was a little longer than this. =)
great outfits! love the acid wash jacket!
aihhh.. cutee banget kalian!^^
ckckck. outfitnya jga kren2! itu tuh enaaak nya ad sodara cwe.hehehee.
ouch ! envy with your walk in closet plus a ceiling-high shoe rack. haha :p
anyway, cool outfit.
emm. can i know how old are you, sis ?? hihi
love these cute shots of you guys. pretty and cute <33
huaa gaya ma ekspresi u lucu2 amat feb:)
love your accesoriess as always:) envy with that!lol:)
Aw, your so pretty!!
aodre adore your hair, and the outfits, +coral dress is so amazing !!!
Febri cakep banget siih :)
i love the outfit so much feb. casual bangettt <3
hahaha emang raina cakep juga terus tau gitu mesti ngapain kalo difoto.. tapi gue tetep team jesicca dong. ;p haha tapi raina juga gapapa.. yang penting ga si angelea eeeeeewww no no no hahaha let's just see what happen. :) finally walk in closet huh? hehe gw punya tapi kecil. pengen deh design rumah sendiri gitu ;) iya bff gw ud lahir disini, keluarganya ud disini sejak keturunan neneknya kalo ga salah haha. eh temen baek lo disini?? lo mesti kesini dong mba, jalan2 aja gitu.. :) temen lo masuk skolah mana? gw belom pernah ke sg tapi pengen deh.. hahaha iya kan we LOVE indo gituu. :D
You and your sister are so cute! Great acessories
I like it!!
Wanna exchange link with me?
Mail me
Ice Creamy World
love your dress! :D
denim on denim hehe
kalian berdua mirip banget deh :)
rmbutnya bgs yh :D lcu hehe. jacket sm dressny bgus (:
ahuahaha iya feb u mesti dateng loh gile banyak yang bisa difoto pasti u demen bgt dah! :D
adu demen bgt gw ama tye dye jacket u feb :D
love the outer jacket jeans feb!!
sptnya rumah barunya akan sangat menarik jg mau tuh bikin walk in closet nnti dirumah sendiri tapinya..hahaha
anw,,ayoo kita ktmuan lagi..sisterhood meet up!! loe ama ama nabil..seru tuuh..hahahaha
hello kak :]
I heart your acid washed vest
heart ya ♥ amanda
i like ur outer, it's nice! hey there's sth different in u. ur hair! :3
dang. my bad then =)
sorry with sugar on top? :DD
cool, i think , because i've never had a wig on. :DD
your jacket looks comfy yet cool, feb!
replying your comment on my blog:
itu acara fashion nationnya Sency with Audi say,, ada beberapa show dan ESMOD show salah I mentioned in the post gw sakit pas hari-H jadi ga bisa dateng TT__TT, jadi itu foto2 yang ngambil temen gw,, sebagian pake slr sebagian pake digicam biasa :)
hey, what's up with your pics feb?? kemaren gw buka masi keliatan, sekarang banyak yang ilang gitu. masalah sama photobucket kali ya??
oiia... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh freakin jessica keluarr T_T males deh. hahaa hyper banget ya gw. tapi beneran deh, gw pengennya si angelea yang keluar! hehe tapi dia si emang ribut gitu punya potensi buat menang. jadi takut ni.. duh semoga deh reina yang menang. kalo ga alexandra. haha same here. gw juga kalo nonton suka kbawa suasana terus teriak2 gajelas gitu hahaa.. apalagi kalo nonton film comedy-romance gitu kea 'the proposal'. waktu itu sempat disuruh nyokap matiin filmnya gara2 gw sampe teriak2 ahahha lucu banget soalnya.
ayo dong feb dateng aja. bilang bokap jangan malu2 kalo dia mo ikut boleh koq hahaha..
temen2 lo emang dimana2 aja??
G juga demen sama Puck..hahaha. abisnya kayak bad boy gtu sih. Dy nti ada nyanyi satu lagu, bagus dehh. :) Klo si Finn kan kek tolol2 gitu, guah kesel. hahahaha.. Tp favorit g tetep si Kurt yg banci. LOL
btw, jdnya rmh baru lu ga di PIK say?
hahahaha , iia juga yaa tiap aku komen pasti pujian mulu nih :DD! yuph, coz blog kamu patut dipuji kookkk ! tiap2 postingannya selalu menarik ! (:
btw , wanna exchange link with me? haha, meskipun punya gue masih jelekkk banget dehh ! hixhix :(
ehh cantik! :D hahahaha kompak banget lo sama dd lo! gimana kabar si bu dokter ? :) cakepppppp.. :)
ahuahaha thx febbb itu nyang potoin nci gw hehehe :D
looking gorgeous in demin (^^)
i'm a new blogger please follow me need all the help to fill up my followers space >.<"
cintaku makasi loh commentnya.hehehe.. ayoo ditunggu next post nya ya :)kiss
your sooo cuteeeeeee!
emang menyenangkan ya foto bareng sama adek gt, love your jacket feb :)
LOVE, beauty splashes
i love this jeans on jeans look on you feb!
ah walk in closet? so fun! happy for you dear
oh you mean art nouveau kind of wallpaper style ? :)
it will be great
have a great week ahead
febbbb bandwidth loe exceed lg buu..hehe.. brarti hrs ganti uploader :P
pake flickr aja febb..
ohhh yeah we defo have to hang out when tal comes back !!
thanks for the sweet comments :) :)
love your denim outfit feb! gorgeous..
gila,, kalo rumah lo jadi pasti bagus banget. apalagi ada walk in closet plus shoe rack! =))
anyway, itu fotonya pake dslr co gua. tipenya nikon d300s. hehehe.. iyahh, kalo photoshoot outdoor gitu mmg sring diliatin abang2 makanya males. tapi cuekin ajah. HAHA
hugs and kisses,
Fashion Fantasy Land
Hahaha... Makanannya so-so. Rasanya agag unik sih, coba sotonya enak. Eh kmrn gw pesen cendol gede bgt tu kek yg gw poto. Enak cendolnya, hahaha.. Gado2nya biasa aja, satenya jg. :P
Eh iya!! Kalo iso jgn tinggi2 katanya ya.. Nah kalo gelap gt, msti shutternya dicepetin, kalo mau max hrs pk tripod. Yg poto patung lara djonggrang itu gw ga pake blitz.
Hahaha, iyaaa pk blitz sk aneh mukanya, kalo mau blitznya direndain aja, jd ga terlalu mantul. Abiz kalo ga ada blitz, jd ga tajem kan. :P
Eh gw mau k bali juni ntr. Smoga jadi. Huyuhhh.. Lo niat amat pagi2 uda ngenet, gw si mnding tidur. Hahaha.ayo feb, kpn lg lo ke gi? Ato gading.. Hahaha
Iyaaa.. Salah, mksd gw shutternya dilambatin. Ngko gw prnh ampe 20detik poto gedung! Gila ga? Hahaha. Iya ni, hrs bnyk blajar, gw mrasa dudul. :P
Eh gw justru blm prnh ke warung made ama bebek bengil. Hahaha. Emang enak bgt ya? Dulu koko gw prnh kerja di bali, dia blg mknannya ga ad yg enak,plg nasi babi ato seafood aja.
Hahaha, iya lo sibuk sih.. Yaa kabar2in aja hari kemis. Lo angkatan 2009 ya? Hahah, gila ya uda 2010 aja.. Cepettt amat.
lmaoo spoiler yaa.. ahaha sory sory.. abis gw males banget ah dia keluar -_- (spoiler diulangin lagi..)
angelea ribut males. gw juga ribut sih hahaha tapi ga kea dia, annoying banget ya. semoga deh yang menang raina atw alexandra bukan dia hahaha benerr banget dia kea money iih.
temen lo ad yang di LA?? gilaa koq semua pada di LA ya, gw juga pengen -_- keanya gw mo ke cali ntar summer tapi belom pasti. gw di michigan, deket sama wisconsin. deket banget, tahun lalu gw kesana buat ke indoor waterpark terbesar kalo ga salah :p
iy feb ada lesung pipinya..
lo juga manis kok..
udh kul yah feb? kul dmn?
love that dress and jacket!
kompak banget sm ade n sama-sama cantik di foto2nya :D
bner" ga bisa kebuka yah ?
wahh kenapa ya kira" ? -__-
ihh ak lg nyri tas yg sejenis kyk gtuu.nama ol shop ny boleh tau apa ga ?hehe
demen ama dress nyaaa. 2 2 nyaaa. lucuu. haha
ci i've followed ur tweet. follow back dong @evansbrenda
loooove the acid vest!! you both look so great :))
thanks for the comment on my blog, yeah its kinda creepy huh, those weird facebook accounts :'( gotta keep moving on though :)
thx for ur lovely comment feb (rada ga kebiasa ni manggil ga pake 'ci' hehe)
kalo baju, aku lebih kecil ukurannya dibanding patrice, jadi aku yang 'ngerampok'
kalo sepatu, si patrice lebih kecil kakinya, jadi dia yang balik ngejarah' deh
big crush on your jacket!
and natalie's bag!
Castor Pollux
I totally understand what you mean with how color and fabric and patterns and well everything affect the feel of a room :) it's why im taking up interior design for college cause i just love the OC-ness of the details :D hehehehe..goodluck with the outcome of your room sweetie. :)
Must say I adore the denim combination :) you look gorgeous :D
gw masuk binus . and ambil jurusan yg ga ada relasi sm ipa . haha too bad
btw, i'm waiting for your next post :)
thanks for your comment on my blog :) thanks to linked me. I'm one of your blog fans ;)
aw aw aw makasih :D klo foto pake salju2 gitu pasti bgs deh! hehe itu bkn wallpaper, cuma kertas kado ditempel-tempelin di dinding hahaha :p
i see. well i think she looks great in both. her curly is good, and straight is even better. :D
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