here are some old pictures you may have seen, but i edited them with! it's so much fun and there's no need to be skillful in photoshop editing now, this is an everything-is-instant world, lol.
Feebbb... Apa itu? Foto apa itu.. Baguus bgt! Parah! Lo kaya profesional deh. Gw suka smuanya.. Tp yg paling2 gw suka bgt itu yg foto lo berdua sm cewe yg diambil dr atas, kalo gasalah foto ke 5 yg berdiri diatas kolam. WOW.. A-ma-zing!! Trus yg foto close up muka yg poni sampingnya menutupi mata juga bgs, cocok buat di beauty pages di majalah deh. Trus foto dipantai dengan long dress dan headbandnya juga mengingatkan gw sama greek's goddeses..apalagi ya.. Aduh smuanya mantab deh.. Haha. Kangen bgt deh gw sama looo.. Xxo :D
aduh fotonya banyak n cantik2 bgt feb kamu. aslinya enak donk tu crepes, sama ky difoto. hhehe. lo kapan2 coba juga donk. tu jar minumannya emank lucu bgt, bikin kembung bgt. ahaha. gk jadi feb, jadinya ke menteng gw. pdhl gw pgn mampir juga tuh ke bloop buat liat DR collection, x aja ada yg nyatntol trus gw beli. ahhaa.
wow, those photos are gorgeous!! yep, that's me with my friend, just got back after chasing pitbull's tickets. :] btw salam knal ya kak! lulusan smuki yah? :]
i love the way you edit these pics ! emg betul picnik bener2 baguss :) gampang pula pake nya..hahaha.. i love the one where you're running in the ocean..wwkwkkw..itu foto di bali febb ??
lol noproblemo and you're an amazing blogger and I've been following you since like long time ago.. :D thanks for linking me though.. thankyou very much..I don't know if I deserve that o_O .
my height give me so much trouble.. but it's fun being tall though. :)
skali lagi.. thankyou thankyou thankyou for visiting and linking me. :D
nope, di kantor java di kuningan sblah jw marriot hhee. gadapeet :[[ rame banget akhirnya nyerah deh ke tebet aja, kan searah hehe :] hhaha gapapa lagii, namanya jg cewe, g jga klo rame" psti jg gakalah norak deh ahhaa waktu it kalo gasalah ada yang bilang deh siapa gt. g jg di pnabuur looh :]
ahoiiii huwahuhauahu gile gw udah lama abis ngak blogging waktu 2 minggu an sempet sibuk banged , tanding2 voli di atma kuningan pulang ampe malem2 bener wuakkakak capek abisss asoyyyy abis feb foto2 lu super duper sangat amat manthabbbb. :D :D aduhhhh ingin sekali punya SLR. ahahahaha
ahh thank you so much for dropping by at mine! baru 2 bulan d jerman n not going to stay for so long; cm 7 bulan buat internship sm europe tour wkwkwk.. imma get double degree once i've finished~n i study business, how i wish i studied fashion! ;p
Hahaha.. emang klo dah dipotong baru suka nyesel blakangan! it happens kok... yah gapapa, panjangin lagi aja, ato pake hair clip. ;p egh maksudnya 'kok sendirian?' foto gw sendirian? waktu itu ada temen gw dua orang kok, cm di blakang eskalator. itu fotonya pas lagi eskalator turun di harvey nichols. *bs sempet2nya foto coba gw.. hahahaha
WOWOWOW! lovely pictures hahaha. sbb yaa, kmrn" sibuk nih prepare for the photoshoot with your sist, hahaha :p ayo cepat pindahhh, tau kn ci michelle hendra? dy jga rmhny d cluster baru loh ih asik skali luu bs main" sm dy huhu, rmh gue jauh, d pb lama lol :) btw, check my new post!
aww bnyk bgt feb fotonya, tp keren keren deh...
u look awsome, suka bgt deh yg dipantai..
check mine,
bukan g bli d fx.hhhaa
gila dd u keren bgt!love it!!hhhaaa
feb keren" banget fotonyaa
dan your close up photo is very pretty
always enjoy seeing your great shots
join my giveaway :) 1205 giveaway
kren2 bgt vto2nyaa (: dlu jg srg edit d picnik. suka bgt dh vto2ny d pntai, sm close up gt hehe.
Baguuuuss feb! hehehe.. keren uiii.. btw keknya rambut loe bagusan panjang dhe.. hehhehe.
bagus banget ini post nyaa :DD my fave so far hehe
:DD cantik!
hei cewe cantik... godain dong..rawrr cntik bnr nih cewe yee :P
gw juga klo edit di picnic..hehe
iya itu yg ak pake ps meetup.
duhh fotonya bgus2 :D
Great photo!
You look cool and pretty !
ia nnihh gw bnr2 pgn bgt kesana feb,,biar difto sama lo,oh foto gw itu lokasi di bandung namanya goa jepang.serem tau.ahahha peninggalan jaman dulu..
Feebbb... Apa itu? Foto apa itu.. Baguus bgt! Parah! Lo kaya profesional deh. Gw suka smuanya.. Tp yg paling2 gw suka bgt itu yg foto lo berdua sm cewe yg diambil dr atas, kalo gasalah foto ke 5 yg berdiri diatas kolam. WOW.. A-ma-zing!!
Trus yg foto close up muka yg poni sampingnya menutupi mata juga bgs, cocok buat di beauty pages di majalah deh. Trus foto dipantai dengan long dress dan headbandnya juga mengingatkan gw sama greek's goddeses..apalagi ya.. Aduh smuanya mantab deh.. Haha. Kangen bgt deh gw sama looo..
Xxo :D
wow you got talent on photographing :)
dude are you serious?? that is amazing. :)
imma go try it now lol
visit mine??
bagus2 deh fotonya.. editannya juga keren. =)) you've a great talent in photography feb! ahahahaa..
itu outdoor di deket pintu masuk yg ada cork&srew. kitchenette tuh di PI. minumannya seger abis. coba ajah ke sana. dia dideretan Tod's ma LV. =))
makasi pujiannya. saya jadi malu.
hugs and kisses
keren tuh yang di pantai, cantik bgt
beautiful stripes shirt it looks great on you wonderful post lovely outfits
nice photography
aduh fotonya banyak n cantik2 bgt feb kamu.
aslinya enak donk tu crepes, sama ky difoto. hhehe. lo kapan2 coba juga donk. tu jar minumannya emank lucu bgt, bikin kembung bgt. ahaha.
gk jadi feb, jadinya ke menteng gw. pdhl gw pgn mampir juga tuh ke bloop buat liat DR collection, x aja ada yg nyatntol trus gw beli. ahhaa.
wow, those photos are gorgeous!!
yep, that's me with my friend, just got back after chasing pitbull's tickets. :]
btw salam knal ya kak! lulusan smuki yah? :]
yang di pantai baguuuuss banget!
hheheh ok, makasi ya udh di link ;) heheheh. punya twitter ga?
udh di follow :)
omg, the photos are so damn great! yg di pantai lu photoshoot sama siapa feb? bagusssssss :D
aww kangen kamu sayang!
waaa..bagus2 bgt fotonya!
nice pose! :)
check on my new post
beauty splashes
haha iya d TA. wcnya skr stlah d renov jd bgus. hoho, emg rumahny dmn? iy bru gnti header (:
great editings, all thanks to the Internet and technology *muahahaha*
beautiful photos you have here :) cantik ! hehe.
c febriiii!!
fotonya cakep amet!
yg muka bodoh pas liet makanan sama temen2nya aduhh lucu bangett!!
cc pinter ngedit pake picnik loh! saya pake picnik cuman viginette! haha
thanks for the comment juga c febri!
adek lu sumpah lucu banget!!
baru liad foto yg ketiga ud mau blg "love the third photo" tapi sampe bawah bagus smua fotonya . like smua !
thx saranny . blom kepikiran sih tapi nanti mungkin gw coba . ahahha :)
i love the way you edit these pics ! emg betul picnik bener2 baguss :) gampang pula pake nya..hahaha..
i love the one where you're running in the ocean..wwkwkkw..itu foto di bali febb ??
hope you have had a nice weekend !!
lol noproblemo and you're an amazing blogger and I've been following you since like long time ago.. :D thanks for linking me though.. thankyou very much..I don't know if I deserve that o_O .
my height give me so much trouble.. but it's fun being tall though. :)
skali lagi.. thankyou thankyou thankyou for visiting and linking me. :D
nope, di kantor java di kuningan sblah jw marriot hhee. gadapeet :[[
rame banget akhirnya nyerah deh ke tebet aja, kan searah hehe :]
hhaha gapapa lagii, namanya jg cewe, g jga klo rame" psti jg gakalah norak deh ahhaa
waktu it kalo gasalah ada yang bilang deh siapa gt. g jg di pnabuur looh :]
ahoiiii huwahuhauahu gile gw udah lama abis ngak blogging waktu 2 minggu an sempet sibuk banged , tanding2 voli di atma kuningan pulang ampe malem2 bener wuakkakak capek abisss
asoyyyy abis feb foto2 lu super duper sangat amat manthabbbb. :D :D
aduhhhh ingin sekali punya SLR. ahahahaha
ahaha ujian gw lumayan feb. tapi makin lama ujian gw jadi makin males. hahaha.
wihh poto2 u mangstap! ada 1 udah kek goddess huahuahua. :D
amazing outfits, love your style! youre really pretty :) new follower!! ;)
ahh thank you so much for dropping by at mine! baru 2 bulan d jerman n not going to stay for so long; cm 7 bulan buat internship sm europe tour wkwkwk.. imma get double degree once i've finished~n i study business, how i wish i studied fashion! ;p
i've linked ur amazing blog too, feb hehehe..
P.S: love love u+ur sis. i hav 2 younger sis too!
supernice photos, you're talented! aku suka sendal gladiator yg item itu deh, so cute <3 <3
heart your style!
the pics are so damn good ;p
have a great day,
EHHH MAKSUD GW DI SEMANGGI! wuakakakakakakakka..
semanggil kuningan deket lah wuakakakakak
iyaaaah masih aktif nih kan gw ambil beasiswa. wuakakaka kalah tapiiii huekekekeke..
nice photoss :) cantik2 bangettt hehe
Hahaha.. emang klo dah dipotong baru suka nyesel blakangan! it happens kok... yah gapapa, panjangin lagi aja, ato pake hair clip. ;p
egh maksudnya 'kok sendirian?' foto gw sendirian? waktu itu ada temen gw dua orang kok, cm di blakang eskalator. itu fotonya pas lagi eskalator turun di harvey nichols. *bs sempet2nya foto coba gw.. hahahaha
penabur gading serpong, grade 10. hehe iaah nii hihi :D
beautiful pictures!
lovely pictures hahaha.
sbb yaa, kmrn" sibuk nih prepare for the photoshoot with your sist, hahaha :p ayo cepat pindahhh, tau kn ci michelle hendra? dy jga rmhny d cluster baru loh ih asik skali luu bs main" sm dy huhu, rmh gue jauh, d pb lama lol :)
btw, check my new post!
xoxo, bee ♥
❤ your style
❤ your photos
awesome ! (:
ada akuuu :) ihihihiih. masi kurus febb skarang uda gendut gueee aaaaaa. kangens kamyu
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