yeah finally, photos of me in Bali!! i've been feeling so tired bored and sleepy these days. i wanna go back to Bali pleaseee. i've gained 3 kilos!!! argghhhh i can't stop eating!!
i stayed at HardRock Hotel, kuta
@ tanah lot
@ warung made
@ seminyak
@ bubba gump, kuta
@ conrad hotel, nusa dua
@ hardrock hotel
@ legian street
@ bebek bengil
@ monkey forest
@ rice terrace
@ kuta beach
@ warung wardani
@ jenggala
@ klapa
@ dulang cafe, kuta square
i cut my bangs!! which one is better, before or after?
@ tanjung benoa
@ quicksilver cruise ( heading to Nusa Penida )
@ Nusa Penida
@ conrad hotel ( we stayed there for the last 2 nights)
@ kudeta
feb,, i lovee the blue shorts! so nice. and your eye make-up really does the magic.. awesome photos. u said ur fat.. i don't see any fats at all in ur bikini bd.. awww i'm envious.. u got lots of awesome pics.. i'm sure u had lots of fun (:
your holiday must be great. btw I went to bali too last week:)
bali emang bikin nagih, sekali ke bali pasti pengen balik terus. ya ga? :D
you look like having lots of fun there. aw aw, i'm so jealous. ;)
hey feb, nice to read ur blog!
foto2nya keren sekali.. =)..
siapa yang motoin? bagus2 tuh...
itu pake ngedit lagi ngga si? ato uda pake kamera canon itu aja?
i love ur pics..
talisha : blue short? which one? ahahaha iya kan jd belooo mata gue. ah itu kan efek foto. bnyk jg foto yg gendut pas berbikini, haha, yah ga gue masukan lahh. hhahah. yeah i did have fun!!
caremelle : hei too bad we didn't bump into each other xD
vina sagita : yeaa righttt!! bener2 nagihh. ntar pas libur lebaran klo bs mau kesana lg ahhh
novillia : yang fotoin c mostly gue sama dd gue. hoho. mgkn krna emank tempatnya udah bgs, jd ftonya dgn sendirinya udah bgs tnpa msti diapa2in lg. ga diedit kq, plg cuma contrast, brightnessnya doank. hehe
hahaha.. skill memotret mu bagus juga yah! sempet belajar dulu?
halo kak febrinaa. blog nya awesome deeh! oh ya by the way nih, kan aku punya camera yg sama sm kakak. tapi kok hasil fotonya beda yaa? bagusan kakak punya. padahal camera ku jg canon eos 500d huahuahua. pake settings nya gmn sih kak? hehehe
novilia : thx. ga pernah c, tp dr dlu suka aj moto2, haha
katya : ak c pke setting yg manual. jd bisa diatur terang gelapnya. klo emank hasilnya gelap, nanti aku edit di komputer, diterangin gt. tp biasanya c jrg sampe msti diedit gt. oh iya 1 lg, klo km pke iso-nya gede gt, misanya sampe 1600 ato 3200, itu fotonya jd pecah, jd ada titik2 putihnya gt. jd klo di outdoor pke aja iso yg 100 ato 200, tergantung cahaya mataharinya. klo indoor pke 400 ato 800. trs klo outdoor, bs jg pke setting yg P, itu bgs kq hslnya. tp klo indoor km pke yg P, jd ngeblur. klo indoor mendingan pake yg manual, shutter speednya 1/15 biasanya. trs diafragma ( kalo ga salah namanya itu deh, lupa aku, pkoknya yg disebelah angka2 shutter speed itu) biasanya pke yg 3.5 ato 4 klo bwt indoor. tinggal atur2 itu aj c. klo mw foto siluet, difragmanya pke sampe 14 gt, d backgroundnya terang sharp, orgnya cm item doank. tp klo mw orangnya jg keliatan, pke flash aja. klo mau tanya2 lg, tanya lg aja, ok ok? moga2 bs ngebantu^^
great . you must be got lots of experience.
the photos are great. love your style there ...
feb!! come visit Bali agaiiinnnnnnn waktu lebaran! your photos are great! :)
zahra : not really, i'm still learning too xD
janice : yupppp i want it so bad too, hahaha
your blog is super cute and I love your pink shirt!
waa menyenangkan sekalii =) u have to try BAtu karas. mirip2 kayak bali, tp di jawabarat =)
ahhh, looks like fun.
bebek bengil has the best duck !
i do really like your tan skin after few days..
you look so exotic,nice :)
awesome trip and photos...
may i know where did u get ur heart glasses??? it's supeeeeeeeeeer cute~
hai seems that u had a great fun in bali :) i love bali too !
i link ur blog ya feb :)
jennifer : it's forever21 xD
Btw, nikon sama canon benernya bagus mana si? aku lagi milih2 soalnya mo beli juga.. tapi bingung, papaku uda punya Canon yang Pro 1 gitu soalnya...
kebetulan g punya bbrpa temen fotografer, dan kata mereka nikon tuh ga bgs, yg bgs canon. klo yg a mau terlalu mahal mah canon 450d aja, itu udah bgs warnanya. jgn 400d, ato 350d dll soalnya kurang ngejereng warnanya. klo mw yg baru bs rekam, kyk punya g, 500d. klo mau yg bgs bgt hsilnya, 5d ajahh, tp 30jt harganya hahah
great pictures and smiles there!!
sun is our best friend on a holiday rite?? hhee
wew... 30 jt? giling.. hahaha.. belum mahir pake bgituan, sayang duitnya.. hihi.. oh gitu ya? thanks lho buat infonya =D
a lovely pic n very nice model.. ^^
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