Monday, February 23, 2009

can't find the words

"You don't fold, you don't fade

You've got everything you need,

especially me" (jason mraz - butterfly)


"If you are chilly, here take my sweater.

Your head is aching, I'll make it better. "
(Ingrid michaelson – the way I am)


p.s: for someone special out there


t a l i s h a said...

i like your blog! jago bgt mix n matchnya.. btw i love that first song by jason mraz too (:
blh pasang linknya gag d blogku? thx n slh knal :))

febrina utami putri said...

hei hei, thx bgt yah. ak jg mw liat2 blog km ah, hehe. oh blh kq, ak malah seneng. hehe. salam kenal jg talisha. namanya lucu bgt dh ^^

t a l i s h a said...

hi.. pnggilnya ap nih? you're older than me kyknya.. pnggil ci/ kak x iah hehehe. udh aku link yah. thx bgtt (:

febrina utami putri said...

aduh panggil aj feb gtu, hahaha, ok ok, thx yh